Friday, February 20, 2009


When Don and I first moved to Fresno we had some trouble finding things to do in Fresno,
so we went to the Fresno State webpage and the Superdome was having the PBR (Bull Riding)
right here in Fresno--we got our tickets and had our first Friday night date night in California
at the rodeo--go figure : ) I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Monday, February 16, 2009

San Francisco

On February 6 California received some much needed rain, and needed rain means muddy work site for Don, muddy work site = Don gets early Friday day, Saturday and Sunday off = a weekend trip to San Francisco! We left on Saturday around noon, after sleeping in until 9:00 : ) We arrived in San Francisco around three crossing the Bay Bridge (I HaTE bridges) and off to the Golden Gate Bridge, get them all done in one day! We enjoyed walking across the bridge and feeling it shake under our feet when we stood still-NOT! We headed to the hotel , cleaned up and a night out on the town--while walking in my very cute high heels (yes high heels in hilly San Fran) I feel flat on the bootie in the middle of the street-everyone around us made that horrible noise---OOOHHHH! I was on my feet before I even knew I fell, Don said I looked like a champ crossing the street, but soon was hiding behind a wall and crying : ( I walked on it for awhile and decided that it should be fine. OUCH-I woke up the next morning at 6:30 and almost fell over when standing up, I woke Don up (he wasn't very pleased) and told him I think its broke-a phone call to my dad-and we were off to the ER at 6:45 (again Don was really tired!) Good news its not broke-here is some Motrin--back to the hotel for a few hour nap, and we decided to wrap up my ankle and visit Alcatraz--this was an amazing thing to see. My sweet husband walked slow with me all day and gave me his arm every chance he could--I LOVE HIM! We spent a good part of the afternoon looking at the island. Our last stop was the curvy road--I don't think I would want to live on that street. We both had fun but have decided that we like grass, seeing the sky, and not having to drive thirty minutes to find parking! We are very thankful that we are given this chance in our life to see new things, be together, and love each other with all of our heart. : )

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pictures from Monterey...

Monterey Bay and Pebble Beach

Well Sunday around here is known as Stahl Sunday Date Day since Don works everyday but Sunday. This last weekend Don called on Saturday afternoon and said "Lets get out of town." I packed an overnight bag, picked him up at work and we traveled to Monterey Bay for the evening and Sunday-it was so nice, not to many people beacause of the Super Bowel!

We enjoyed the morning with a small walk on the beach(the water is still pretty cold, there were alot of divers going in though) and then off to the wax museum. After this we enjoyed a 3D movie at the IMAX with a show of the World Under the Sea--things were swimming right in front of us : ) Then we walked to the Monterey bay Aquarium which was the highlight of the trip! We left at three in the afternoon for the 17 mile drive around Pebble Beach and Golf Course, lots of homes were for sale in this area of California! We got home around eight in the evening and Donnie was in bed by eight thirty! We are blessed to have each night together, and I count down the days of the week for Sunday to spend a whole day with my wonderful husband! We love and miss everyone, hope the week is going well for each and everyone of you. God Bless-Hugs!